Linux for Safety Applications: SIL-2 Applications Running on a Linux System

  • emlix News

As a part of a highly innovative project EB corbos Linux for Safety Applications together with Elektrobit Automotive GmbH emlix developed a Linux Safety Monitor. This supervisory element reliably monitors the Linux kernel and allows it to run SIL 2 safety applications directly on the Linux system.

This new approach received a positive and extensive assessment by the TÜV Nord in early March 2024. It is applicable not only for the ISO 26262 (ASIL B, SEooC) but also the IEC 61508 (SIL2).

Linux for Safety Applications bridges the gap between safety and open source technology. This results in economic and efficiency gains for safety-critical projects in various industries like industrial automation and medical technology.

By integrating a non-SIL and a SIL application on a single SOC it has become possible to implement low latency communication between the applications as well as to use the inherent performance of a Linux system. This makes new architectures and application contexts feasible especially for the SIL domain.

Additional synergies result from the unification of the runtime environment: Development and manintenance become a lot more efficient since the same competence is needed to develop and maintain Sil and non-SIL applications.

This solution is now available for project integration.