Contributions to Open Source Projects January to March 2024
The emlix team has yet again made several contributions to open source projects in the last few months, fixing problems and improving code.
emlix is OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230 compliant
With successful self-certification against the requirements of OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230, emlix has officially joined the OpenChain Project. As a result,…
emlix at Embedded World 2024
We extended our portfolio covering Linux system engineering and Linux lifecycle maintenance along reliable processes. At the Embedded World from April…
emlix contributed to cmocka
The emlix team recently made contributions to the cmocka unit testing framework.
Tech Paper crinit / cominit - booting Linux in a function-focused embedded environment
Our most current whitepaper presents the open source tools cominit and crinit, which are alternatives to systemd and initramfs tools such as dracut or…