Contributions to Open Source Projects October to November 2024
The emlix team has yet again made several contributions to open source projects in the last few months, fixing problems and improving code.
Technical Lecture: Rust im Entwicklungsprozess eingebetteter Linux-Systeme
Andreas Schickedanz teilt sein Knowhow zum Umgang mit Konflikten moderner Entwicklungskonzepte mit Entwicklungsumgebungen für eingebettete Linux…
Technical lecture: elos - standardised event logging and management for Linux systems
Wolfgang Gehrhardt shares his expertise in elos - standardised event logging and management for Linux systems at FrOSCon 2024 on August 17 and 18,…
Contributions to Open Source Projects April to September 2024
The emlix team has yet again made several contributions to open source projects in the last few months, fixing problems and improving code.
SIL2 Safety Applikation direkt auf Linux - neue Architektur für Industrial Automation und Medizintechnik
emlix hat im Rahmen des innovativen Entwicklungsprojektes "EB corbos Linux for Safety Applications" der Elektrobit GmbH einen Linux Safety Monitor…