Open Source Compliance

emlix is bound to open source compliance practices. emlix' corporate purpose mainly is open source software development and we are part of open source communities. We have established internal regulations to guarantee proper usage of open source software, and we for sure oversee its utilization within our organization. Thus, our customers can safely utilize the software.

Compliance with Open Source License according to OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230

OpenChain ISO/IEC 5230:2020 serves as the international standard for open source license compliance. It outlines the essential requirements of a robust open source license compliance program to establish a standard that fosters trust among organizations exchanging software solutions containing open source software components.

emlix is self-certified under ISO/IEC 5230:2020, ensuring that the solutions we deliver adhere to the OpenChain standard and that our practices and procedures meet industry standards consistently.

For open source software delivered by our company under an open source license granting the right to obtain the source code for at least three years from the distribution date, we generally offer access to the source code for our customers. If the source code was not initially provided with the binary, you can request a copy of it on physical media.

To request such source code, please contact us via email at

Compliance with Open Source Security Assurance according to OpenChain ISO/IEC 18974

The OpenChain ISO/IEC 18974:2023 industry standard for open source security assurance contains the key requirements of a quality open source software security assurance program that establishes trust between organizations exchanging software solutions comprised of open source software.

emlix is self-certified under ISO/IEC 18974:2023, ensuring that a quality open source security assurance program, along with practices and procedures across the supply chain, are in place.

To request information about known security vulnerabilities or to report newly discovered security vulnerabilities, please contact us via email at