emlix' information security management fullfills the latest standards set by the VDA Information Security Assessment (VDA ISA) / TISAX®.

Consistent information security for development

Protection of our customers' intellectual property has always been of great importance for us. Thus, emlix continuously takes extensive measures to protect information security.

Since 2022 emlix is regularly undergoing the TISAX audit against the standards set by the VDA ISA requirements catalog for high protection needs. The assessments are conducted by the accredited auditor operational services GmbH & Co. KG.

TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) is a standard for information security management set by the European Automotive Industry. For the examination the newest version of the VDA ISA is used, which is based on the most important features of the ISO 27001. TISAX and TISAX results are not intended for general public. The detailed results are available only for registered members via the ENX-Portal.

Our participant-ID: PLXWPL