The emlix TAF – Test Application Framework is a quality assurance tool for embedded Linux systems. Developer tests are optimally complemented by TAF test runs. The documentation of the results takes place automatically and reproducibly.

Automated testing of Linux BSPs

TAF enables development and production-accompanying quality assurance through continual, standardized system, module and integration tests with a high test coverage. TAF consists of:

  • Framework for automated running of tests on the target
  • Currently around 250 automated, mostly system-near tests
  • Tooling for the reproducible creation of databank-based test reports

At the start of the project a relevant test set is selected and, if necessary, extended, adapted to the specific project and configured. After this one-time setup effort, the test runs can be performed highly efficiently and economically.

The emlix Test Application Framework offers the following features and additional benefits:

  • Flexible, product-specific test setup
  • Integration of additional product-specific tests
  • Standardized, automated test runs (person-independent)
  • Unique versioning of the respective test run
  • Sophisticated possibilities for controlling the order and performance of tests
  • Comparison tests of multiple hardware revisions
  • Tests directly on the target or as host test against the target
  • Reproducible archiving of tests and test runs (traceability) in a database
  • Reproducible generation of test reports

Within the framework of development projects, customers have the option to order TAF setup and test runs (TAF release monitoring). The use of the Test Application Framework by our customers is possible within the framework of a subscription contract (TAF Workbench). Furthermore, the TAF can be used by customers to test additionally purchased and externally developed board support packages (TAF Review).