Developer Seminars

Our series of two-day "developer seminars" offers a compact introduction into the theme of embedded Linux application development on different hardware platforms and the products of our partners, with demonstrations and practical exercises.

Target group: Developers without or with little knowledge of (Embedded) Linux.

During the seminar, you will have the opportunity to discuss issues in the context of the planned project, in addition to learning the basics.

Qt for Embedded Linux

You will get a comprehensive insight into the possibilities of developing Qt-based applications with and without GUI.


Embedded Linux system programming

You will get a comprehensive insight into the possibilities of driver and application development in the context of an embedded Linux project.


Embedded Linux kernel anddriver developmment

You will get a comprehensive insight into the possibilities of kernel driver development in the context of an embedded Linux project.


Embedded Linux application development

You will get a comprehensive insight into the possibilities of applictaion development in the context of an embedded Linux project.


Android system architecture

You will get a comprehensive insight into the Android system architecture and its specific components.



For questions, desired content and arrangement of dates for our in-house seminars, please phone us or use our contact form.