The open source software systems we have developed are as diverse as the industries and requirements of our customers. They have to meet a wide range of norm and quality standards and reflect the current state of technology.

Through a configurable, modular development process we have been meeting this diversity of requirements for many years and guaranteeing a high level of quality. emlix tools and processes have been audited by customers many times. Our quality management system is certified by TÜV Nord according to ISO 9001.

emlix tools & processes for industrial-grade embedded Linux

Against the background of the complexity and innovative character of our projects, but also considering the time-to-market, agile working methods and close coordination are usually agreed with the developers and project leaders of our customers. Tried-and-tested tools support this methodology. The emlix project management and controlling steer this process and deliver all of the decision-relevant information and recommendations in parallel to the customer.

Our core development process includes the following stages:

  • Requirements analysis and architecture
  • Evaluation of project risks
  • Resource and team planning
  • Project-specific information security
  • Configuration management
  • CI/CD/CV, tooling & infrastructure setup
  • Realization specification and implementation
  • Verification, documentation and integration
  • Requirements tracing and change management
  • Open source compliance
  • Transfer to life cycle maintenance

Mutual access to the code, early availability of working results at regular, short intervals and immediate integration of the initial assessment of functionality are essential for our customers' project success. Platform-orientated development and global processes reduce costs and secure the investments in open source software.